Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces

There is much debate over Invisalign versus traditional braces. Both produce straight teeth and a great smile, but people are reluctant to try out new technologies. Despite the fact that Invisalign has been around for years, people still think of the traditional metal braces when they think about orthodontic services. Yes, traditional braces still exist, but Invisalign is making headway in the orthodontic field.

Hardware Overload

Traditional braces begin with spacers, full metal bands, wires, rubber bands and headgear. If your child plays sports metal braces may pose an injury risk; if they play an instrument it may render them unable to play the instrument without significant difficulties. The hardware also provides many places for bacteria and plaque to develop into cavities. Despite the additional brushing, flossing, and mouth rinse, the risk of cavities and gingivitis is increased with old school braces.

Gum and mouth irritation

Traditional braces have sharp edges that cut the inside of the mouth and wires that poke. They make special wax that you can use to cover the sharp edges, but then you have to spend hours picking it out of the braces later. Once the inside of the mouth is cut or irritated, eating becomes painful. Imagine dealing with this situation for 18 to 24 months!

Full metal Mouth

Let’s face it; traditional metal braces are not the prettiest site. They are bulky and are definitely noticeable. Yes, you can be creative with colored rubber bands, but that is not hiding the fact that you still have metal wires and brackets in your mouth. Smiling becomes uncomfortable as you become more self-conscious about how the braces look.

Invisalign – the cure for metal mouth!!
Invisalign beats traditional braces hands down! First, there is the hardware used. Invisalign uses clear plastic trays that are similar to retainers. They are invisible and snap onto the teeth. Every few weeks, a new tray replaces the old one. Each tray gets you closer to your perfect smile. The trays are smooth and do not cause the irritation that metal braces do. The trays can easily be removed during physical activities and band recitals. Invisalign also allows you to maintain your regular oral hygiene regimen. You simply take the tray out, brush and floss, and then put the tray back in. The tray is removed while eating and there is no worry about food stuck in brackets as with old school braces. When treatment is complete, there is no need to file off brackets as with traditional braces. You simply take the tray out and are done.

Still not convinced that Invisalign is the correct treatment for you? Go see your orthodontist. Your Orthodontist has before and after pictures which prove that Invisalign works. You can also see a sample tray as well. Forget old school and move into the new millennium with Invisalign.

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