Braces – Why me? Why now?

Our teenage years are formative years that prepare us for the rest of our lives.  They are also formative years for our teeth.  For some teens this means that they will require braces to ensure that their teeth develop correctly.
At one time, braces were big, bulky, and outright ugly. It is understandable that the thought of adding braces to the life of a teenager is like the end of the world to them. Before you talk to your teen about braces, there are some new technologies in orthodontic care that you should know about. Being informed about the great options available to teens today will help greatly with the “Why me?” argument.

Mini Braces
Long gone are the days of metal mouth that traditional braces caused. Now mini braces are available. Mini braces are 30% smaller and stronger than traditional metal braces. The wires that are used can be metal or clear. The brackets come in silver, clear, and gold. The gold brackets are so delicate that they almost look like jewelry for the teeth. The cost is in the same range as traditional metal braces and they are covered by most insurance.


If your teen absolutely will not consider metal braces, Invisalign offers an innovative and equally effective alternative to metal braces. Invisalign straightens the teeth by using clear trays that are similar to retainers. The aligners are made by using a computerized model of the teen’s mouth. The aligners are made in a series. Every few weeks, a new aligner is used, with each one getting the teen closer to a perfect smile. Again, this treatment is also covered partially by dental insurance.

Colored elastics
The elastics that are used over the brace brackets now come in a wide range of colors. They come in metallic, neon, pastel, and primary colors. Is your teen a cheerleader or football player? Then they can choose their school colors to show their school spirit. Does your little princess love pastel pink? Then she can choose pink elastics.

So when your teen says, ‘why me, why now?’ you can tell him or her, because you deserve a beautiful smile and there is no time like the present.

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