Invisalign …the easiest road to Hollywood smile

If you look back at the movie stars of the 70s and 80s, they were glamorous, but nowhere near as perfect as the movie stars of today. Between Botox, Liposuction, tooth whitening, and porcelain veneers, perfection is almost attainable. There are so many procedures and treatments today that just about anyone who can afford it can attain the appearance of a Hollywood star. You don’t need to be rich to have a perfect smile however. The orthodontic treatments that are covered by most dental insurance can get you the same glamorous smile as your favorite movie stars.

One of the most popular orthodontic treatments is the Invisalign system for tooth alignment. The Invisalign system offers the same benefits as metal braces, without the noticeable braces on your teeth. Invisalign uses aligners, which look similar to retainers. The aligners are used to move the teeth into place. The greatest benefits to Invisalign are that the aligners are clear and removable when you eat.

With Invisalign, you do not have to worry about having food stuck in your teeth during a business luncheon or being teased by your coworkers for your ‘brace face’. For adults, Invisalign is a preferred option because the aligners are virtually unnoticeable. They are also covered under most dental insurance, which makes them very affordable.

Invisalign is also a preferred treatment because it gives you a perfect smile without having to compromise or destroy your existing teeth. Veneers and crowns file down your existing teeth in order to make way for the new ones. Invisalign is painless and allows you to have the most natural smile possible. Old style metal braces are an option to Invisalign, but they are not practical for adults as metal brackets tend to make people think of you as a juvenile.

If you are on the quest for a Hollywood smile, consider Invisalign over other forms of treatment. It is effective, the least invasive, and the most natural method to align your teeth. Your orthodontist can give you additional information and assess your teeth to determine if Invisalign is right for you.

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