Invisalign, what is all the hype about?

There is a lot of talk lately about the Invisalign® system. It is being hailed as the next great orthodontic breakthrough. Skeptics are uncertain if the Invisalign® system can deliver on its promises, as it is almost too good to be true. Teeth straightening without braces, using a system that is convenient and easy to implement into even the busiest of lifestyles? Let’s take a look and see what the hype is all about.

As most people know, traditional braces are affixed to the teeth and, through a wire and gradual adjustments, the teeth are straightened and aligned. Traditional braces can also correct the under-bites, overbites, cross bite and open bites, which are frequently associated with misaligned teeth. The braces reshape your biter, mouth, and jaws, over a period of 18 – 24 months.

Invisalign uses a series of new aligners to straighten teeth. The aligners are clear and practically invisible when you wear them. The aligners are made using advanced technology that takes impressions of your teeth. Then the dental lab manufactures the clear aligners using computer technology. As you progress through the process, you will trade in your aligners every few weeks or so. The number of aligners you need depends on your individual dental condition and the length of treatment required to correct it.

While metal braces and Invisalign both accomplish the same goal of aligning your teeth, Invisalign makes the process much more bearable. First, the aligners are extremely comfortable unlike metal braces, which have wires that poke and sharp metal edges.

Invisalign does have a few disadvantages, but they do not outweigh the benefits of the system overall. Not everyone is a good candidate for Invisalign. It is best suited for adults and not adolescents. It is only designed for certain tooth movements. Major tooth movements, skeletal discrepancies, and extensive crown and bridge treatment can influence whether Invisalign is the right choice for you. It may not be. If this is the case, then you will need to consider traditional braces instead.

In addition, you need to have some great self-discipline to wear Invisalign. The aligners need to be worn 24/7. Since the aligners are removable, you may be tempted not to wear them all the time if you are not very disciplined.  If this is the case, then you may want to consider invisible or metal braces. Finally, the aligners can be misplaced when they are removed. Lost aligners will cost you money to replace and time without the treatments as you wait for the aligner to be manufactured. Other additional costs include the recommended cleaner that the Invisalign manufacturer recommends. You cannot use denture cleaner or toothpaste. The cost is about $100 for the cleaner.

Despite any of the disadvantages, Invisalign is clearly a great option over metal braces. After considering the benefits, it is easy to see what all the hype is all about!

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