Back to School, Back to the Dentist

For kids, it marks the end of summer fun and start of a new school year. For parents, it’s a happy return to regular bedtimes, baths and household routine, but with the added stress of afterschool activities and regular PTA meetings. And for both parents and kids, it often means a return to the dentist for a cleaning, checkup, new toothbrush, and hopefully a cavity-free bill of oral health.

Why is back-to-school such a good time to schedule a dental appointment? For kids who have likely enjoyed a summer full of sugary candy, soda, ice cream, slumber parties and campouts--when brushing and flossing could have easily been forgotten-- a return to the dentist is an important time to address any cavities that may have occurred and provide the teeth with a thorough cleaning. A back-to-school dental appointment also provides kids with the sense of a fresh start and a return to routine, which helps them stay diligent with twice daily brushing and flossing. If there’s any need for orthodontics, sealants or other dental services, it’s best to undergo such treatments prior to the start of the school year, making any adjustments easier to implement along with other changes. Any developmental oral health problems that could affect speech or diet are also best addressed before they potentially affect your child’s school life.

Since family life gets especially busy once classes resume, parents will find it much easier to take care of dental appointments before the need to sign kids out of school or skip activities arises. Back-to-school is important for more than just grade school students. For high school and college aged kids it’s a good time to consider wisdom tooth removal. Wisdom tooth extraction is often simple and straightforward, but it still requires a few days of rest and recovery, which is best done without the stress of homework, new classes and coursework.

Teachers and educational administrators should also use back-to-school as a time to take care their own need for an exam, cleaning, and dental work. This ensures that you needn’t miss any days of work to take care of your oral health or endure any pain due to unaddressed issues.

Even if your days in class are long behind you, back-to-school can be a chance to catch up and start a new beginning for everyone. Why not do so with a smile? If you or your child is due for a dental visit, now is a great time to make your back-to-school appointment.

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