
As dental professionals nationwide observe National Facial Protection Month, we would like to take the opportunity to remind our patients about the best way for them to prevent dental issues related to the face. Protecting your face does not just mean wearing a mouth guard during sporting events or a helmet while on a motorcycle. It’s also about recognizing dental conditions that can cause facial damage. Bruxism is one of the leading causes of tooth loss in America. Recognizing and understanding the symptoms of bruxism is imperative when it comes to preventing the condition.

Bruxism, better known as teeth grinding, is a condition that occurs when you are sleeping, you might not even be aware it’s happening. Chronic teeth grinding can result in the fracturing, loosening or loss of teeth. In cases where bruxism goes untreated, patients will grind their teeth down to the point where they need to be pulled. When the teeth become this damaged, patients will most likely undergo invasive dental procedures to fix or replace the teeth.

Causes and Symptoms

Teeth grinding can be caused by many different things. Possible physical or psychological causes include anxiety, stress or abnormal alignment of upper and lower teeth. Most people find out they are teeth grinders from someone who sleeps nearby. For those who are not alerted, keep an eye out for the following symptoms:

  • Dull, constant headaches
  • Jaw pain or tightness when you wake up in the morning
  • Increased tooth sensitivity
  • Chronic facial pain
  • Indentations on your tongue


To treat bruxism, we recommend night guards. These devices will protect your teeth from touching while you sleep. Night guards from your dentist tend to be of a higher quality and superior fit because they are made in a special laboratory from an impression of your mouth. The main function of your night guard is to prevent the surfaces of your teeth from grinding together. These devices are comfortable and will not disrupt your sleep patterns.

Outside of night guards, there are other ways you can prevent bruxism:

  • Change your diet – avoid foods and drinks that contain caffeine
  • Avoid alcohol – grinding intensifies after alcohol consumption
  • Watch what you chew – no more chewing on pens, pencils or anything that is not food. Gum is also not idea for patients suffering from bruxism
  • Relax – try relaxing your jaw muscles at night by holding a warm washcloth against your cheek in front of your earlobe

Bruxism is a condition that affects millions of Americans. As we celebrate National Facial Protection month, take some time to consider what you are doing to ensure facial and oral health. Missing teeth can seriously harm your face, not just your other teeth. When teeth become misaligned due to tooth loss, they become more difficult to clean, leaving unreachable pockets in the teeth that will collect bacteria. These hard-to-reach areas go untouched and will lead to additional tooth loss. Additional tooth loss will eventually lead to facial deformity. By simply visiting your dentist for regular cleanings and recognizing your symptoms, you will be taking the right steps towards preventing infection, tooth loss and even possible facial deformity. 

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