The Facts about Pediatric Sealants

Tooth decay is a serious concern for parents and children like. One of the best ways to make sure your children’s teeth remain protected throughout their adolescent years is through the use of dental sealants. Dental sealants are plastic coatings that are applied to the chewing surface of the permanent teeth, typically the molars and premolars, to help protect them from decay. Children as young as six years old are eligible for dental sealants. We offer these innovative sealants to help our child-patients fight off tooth decay while their teeth are still developing.

The Facts:

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 15.6 percent of children ages 6-19 have untreated cavities caused by tooth decay. Dental sealants have proven to be the safest, most cost-effective dental procedures for children prone to cavities. Sealants act as a barrier to “seal-off” the space between the tooth surface and any small food particles or bacteria that could affect an unsealed tooth. By applying a plastic coating to the surfaces of the teeth, we are able to create a strong barrier between teeth and decay-causing plaque to prevent cavities.

Once applied, the sealants are clear and often go completely unnoticed. Sealants stay on teeth from 30 months to 60 months and when it wears off, another can be applied.

What to Expect

One of the most beneficial aspects of dental sealants is that they are applied without and drills or injections, they are simply painted on the tooth’s surface. We will begin by thoroughly cleaning the patient’s teeth. The teeth are then dried and we will then apply an acidic solution to roughen the tooth’s surface so the sealant will bond with the tooth. Once the solution has dried, the liquid dental sealant is applied one tooth at a time and the doctor finishes by using a light to bond the sealant to the tooth. 

Once the sealant is placed, your child will be able to eat and speak normally. The sealant goes almost completely unnoticed, but the child’s teeth are being protected the entire time.


  1. 24/7 Protection: dental sealants protect your child’s teeth in ways regular oral hygiene practices cannot. Though regular brushing and flossing are still necessary with dental sealants, they are not always enough to prevent cavities. Sealants are an easy way to prevent decay and keep children’s teeth as healthy as possible
  2. Save Money: tooth decay is harmful to your child’s oral health; it is also harmful to your wallet. Children who have dental sealants are far less likely to need fillings, root canals and other costly or possibly invasive procedures.
  3. Long-Term Results: sealants typically won’t need to be placed for several years and in some cases, they could last up to a decade. This is a treatment that protects children’s teeth long-term, which is one of the main reasons parents have them applied to their children’s teeth at a young age.

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