Adult Orthodontics – Is it Right for You?

Do you cover your mouth with your hand when you smile? Are you self-conscious around strangers because your smile isn't as perfect as you want it to be? If so, now might be the perfect time to visit us for a consultation! Orthodontic treatment can be successful at any age – in fact, adults make up nearly half of the orthodontic patients in the United States.  With the growing availability of clear aligners and translucent ceramic brackets, it's getting harder to tell whether or not you're wearing orthodontic appliances!

You Have Options!

While there are many reasons for adults to consider orthodontics, most people simply want to improve the aesthetic appearance of their smile. Orthodontic technology has evolved considerably over time, especially in the last 10 years. The days of being a true “metal mouth” are over because you are able to choose more lightweight and cosmetically friendly teeth straightening options. Some of these more advanced options include:

  • Ceramic Braces – these braces are made of translucent material that is much less obvious than traditional metal braces. They are as effective as traditional braces and function the same way.
  • Modern Traditional Braces – modern traditional braces are smaller and less noticeable than ever before. Brackets attach to the back of your teeth that hold wires that gradually pull teeth into place over time.
  • Invisible Aligners – customized plastic aligners utilize a series of invisible, removable and comfortable aligners that gradually straighten teeth over time. These types of aligners are often less maintenance than traditional braces because they can be removed to brush, floss and eat.

How long you have your braces really depends on what type you’ve chose and how well you follow the program. Typically treatments range from 12-44 months, but there are options available to adults to straighten their teeth in as little as six months.

Other Benefits:

While orthodontics create a cosmetically appealing smile, they also become easier to clean and maintain. When teeth are misaligned, they are more difficult to clean. When areas of the mouth go untreated, there is an increased risk of plaque and food buildup in between the teeth. If left untreated, plaque often leads to gum disease and or tooth decay that may eventually lead to tooth loss.

Those with straight teeth often experience fewer expensive dental problems later in life because they are significantly less likely to contract periodontal issues. Braces play an important role in maintaining good oral health and preserving your smile.

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